Firstly, this is one of my favorite songs at the moment. The change in melodys and
originalality of the whole thing make listening to it an experience.
Secondly, this song has been places, just in case you didn't know. I first heard this song in a machinama called 'The Ice-cream man'. If you haven't already seen it, i suggest you check it out.
I am going to use this song in an upcoming project. I don't know what it's going to be about, I just know that I am. This song inspires. It sets the imagination a lite and takes it places it has never been before.
My only problem is the quality, which was terrible in all the heavily orchestrated bits, but this song is so good, it didn't even matter.
If you could though, could you please re-submit it with cleaner sound.
Lastly, did you make this in garage band?
Sir, I take my hat off to you.
Keep up the good work.
That is all